49 Russell Square, London, UK

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Agreement for Consultancy Services (the Agreement)


This Agreement is entered into today’s date of the signature by and between Hub One Services, California, United States of America and the client (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties and individually as “Party”).


  1. Engagement

The Client Confirms that the terms and conditions of this mutual agreement (“Agreement”) with Hub One Services (“Hub One”) to act as the exclusive Consultant providing the services to the client (hereafter referred the “Client” or “Applicant”) in connection with the services as below;


  1. The Services

The Consultancy services to be provided by Hub One to the Client with respect to the Transaction are set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement (the “Services”).


  1. Compensation

The compensation payable to Hub One for providing the Services to the Client is set out in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.


  1. Client Representation, Warranties and Undertaking

The Client hereby covenants, represents and warrants that the signatory[1] has full-power and legal authority to represent and execute this agreement and that the Client will be legally bound by and will fully discharge its obligations under this Agreement.

  1. Communications

All announcements and documents made or to be published by the Client or by Hub One on the Client’s behalf in relation to the Transaction will only be made or published after obtaining the Client’s written approval.  Except as may be required by law, no communication or advice rendered by Hub One (or any of its affiliates) in writing or otherwise in connection with the services performed by Hub One (or its affiliates) pursuant to this Agreement will be quoted or published, nor will any such communication or advice or the name of Hub One (or its affiliates) be referred to, in any report, document, press release or other communication without Hub One’s prior written authorization.


  1. Completion and Termination
    • Effective Date: The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of the signature of this agreement, Form, Document submission and first installment of fees payment by the client as per schedule 02.
    • Completion: Subject to the provisions of Clauses 6.3 – 6.8 below, the target completion date, shall be the date by which Hub One completes the Services as provided for under Schedule 1 hereof and the Client has paid to Hub One all applicable fees and expenses as provided for under Schedule 2 hereof (The “Target Completion Date”).
    • Mutual Termination:  The Agreement may be terminated prior to the Target Completion Date by written agreement of the Client and HUB ONE.  


  • Termination for Breach:
    • The Client shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without obtaining an order of the relevant authorities and with immediate effect by written notice to Hub One should Hub One commit a substantial and material breach of its Services or undertakings under this Agreement and fail to remedy the same within 30 days of the Client’s written notification thereof. 

6.4.2 Hub One shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without obtaining an order of the relevant authorities and with immediate effect by written notice to the Client should the Client commit a substantial and material breach of its obligations or undertakings under this Agreement and fails to remedy the same within 30 days of Hub One’s written notification thereof.

  • Consequences of Mutual Termination, upon termination by the Parties in accordance with Clauses 6.3 or 6.4.1, the Client shall be obligated to pay any outstanding Fees and Hub One is not obliged to reimburse any amount after the receipt of them, for what so ever the reason the termination will be.


  1. Information

The Client agrees to provide Hub One, no later than 10 days from the date of the request, any and all information and data, which Hub One may at its sole discretion reasonably request from the Client and which directly or indirectly relates to this engagement of work. Such information and relevant data will be delivered to Hub One at a place and in a form reasonably designated by Hub One and as quickly as is practically possible.

In performing its Services hereunder, Hub One shall be entitled to rely upon and assume, without any responsibility for independently verifying, the accuracy and completeness of all information that has been furnished to Hub One by the Client. The Client will keep Hub One fully informed of all developments, discussions or other factors that may be relevant or material in connection with the Transaction or engagement of the service for schedule 1 and will not take any action that substantially or materially affects the Transaction without prior consultation with Hub One.

Client agrees to Hub One to Store and share the client’s information including but not limited to the employers, Trainers, visa processing or any related parties including Funding, accommodation, Transportation and what so ever required during the course of work for the schedule 01 and Hub One is not obliged to take any prior written approval for that from the client.


  1. Confidentiality

8.1   Hub One agrees that, except as required by law or regulatory inquiry, it will hold and treat in confidence all information that the Client provides to Hub One in connection with Hub One’s role hereunder other than (i) information which was already in Hub One’s possession prior to its receipt from the Client; (ii) information which is obtained by Hub One from a third party which, in so far as is known to Hub One, is not prohibited from transmitting the information to Hub One by a contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation to the Client; and/or (iii) information which is or becomes publicly available and is in the public domain.

8.2  The Client agrees that Hub One may disclose confidential information (i) (without the Client’s prior written consent) to Hub One’s professional advisors and authorized representatives to the extent that such disclosure is necessary to perform the Services in relation to the Transaction and schedule 1 and schedule 2; (ii) to any person whom Hub One and/or the Client contracts with, in each case in relation to and to the extent necessary for the Transaction; (iii) where requested or required by any court of competent jurisdiction or any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body, or (iv) where required by the laws or regulations with jurisdiction over the affairs of Hub One provided that Hub One shall, in case of (i) and (ii) above obtain an undertaking of confidentiality from all such persons to the same extent that Hub One is bound hereunder or (v) where ever required to train it’s technology product (Research and development) in present and future.


  1. Conflict of Interests

Hub one confirms that this engagement will not constitute or create any conflict of interest in any other transaction that it is currently engaged in or with any other assignment with any other Hub One clients. Client also confirms that the client will not engage or create any conflict of interest in any other transaction that it is currently engaged in. 


  1. Compliance with Laws

Hub One and the Client will conduct their activities in connection with the Transaction in compliance with all applicable laws in the International Chamber of Commerce based on international law.


  1. Exclusivity

It is expressly agreed between Hub One and the Client that Hub One will act as the exclusive Consultant to the Client in connection with the Transaction and scope of work as per schedule 01 throughout the term of this Agreement.  Hub One may appoint other advisors or managers to assist it with the scope of the work of schedule 01 at its discretion.  The Client will at all times keep Hub One fully informed of all strategies and developments relevant to the schedule 01 progress and Hub One for its part undertakes that it will at all times keep the Client fully informed of all strategies, developments and discussions relating to or arising from the Transaction or relevant to the schedule 01 progress.


  1. Force Majeure

Hub One and the Client accept and acknowledge that in giving effect to their respective undertakings herein that time is of the essence save as in the occurrence of an event such as, civil riot, acts of God, acts of war, Pandemic or other such events which make the total or partial compliance by either or both Hub One and/or the Client with their respective obligations under the Agreement (“Force Majeure”) impossible or so impractical as may be reasonably considered impossible under the circumstances.  Should either Hub One or the Client declare to the other that an event of Force Majeure has occurred and both parties are in agreement with such declaration (agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) then the provision by Hub One of the Services will be suspended until the occurrence constituting Force Majeure either no longer exists or has diminished so as to reasonably permit Hub One to resume the Services, provided that, if such Force Majeure should persist for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days then this Agreement shall stand automatically terminated and Hub One will not be obliged to reimburse any amount to the client.


  1. Indemnity

The Client agrees to hold harmless Hub One and its employees together with its affiliates, local and international associates from and against partial or all losses, all claims, all damages liabilities and all expenses (including all reasonable fees of counsel and expenses in connection with the preparation for or defense of any claim, action or proceeding) caused by or arising out of Hub One acting for the Client pursuant to this Agreement. Both of the parties further agree that Hub One is not a legal immigration advisor nor Hub One gives any guarantee to the client for success of the application or visa. In case of unsuccessful for what so ever reasons including the visa rejections by the authorities or any other what so ever reasons for the unsuccessful results, in fact all exclusive reasons of unsuccessful results for the clients, the Client agrees to hold harmless Hub One and its employees together with its affiliates, local and international associates from and against any partial and all losses including all claims, all damages, all liabilities and all expenses what so ever client had paid or will be liable to pay in future in case any liability or expenses will come up for what so ever reasons whether foreseen or unforeseen, whether it was unintentional or intentional, negligence’s or human errors or what so ever internal and external factors, from any of the Hub One Employees, Hub One’s associates or any other what so ever, the client here by agrees to hold Hub one harmless. Hub One gives no guarantee and no warrantee at all for the success of schedule 01 services or benefits to the client, given the nature of the process such as the visa decision making or other related decision making are beyond Hub One’s scope of the work and beyond Hub One’s authority of decision making. The client agrees to take the risk by investing or paying Hub One fees for the client’s own expected benefits (Return) such as long term career growth which may or may not be beneficial to the client and client’s family in future.


  1. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or any regulatory body or agency, such invalidity or un-enforceability shall attach only to such provision or condition.  The validity of the remaining provisions and conditions shall not be affected thereby and this Agreement shall be carried forward as if any such invalid or unenforceable provision or condition were not contained therein, subject only to considerations of fairness and reasonableness.


  1. Notices

All notices consents and communications hereunder shall be provided in writing by email of the client filled in the Form and Hub One as mentioned on Hub One’s website or Form.


  1. 16. Warranties

Hub One will provide the Services in accordance with the most possible ethical and professional standards applicable in the consulting industry as practiced in international standards. The Client acknowledges and accepts that Hub One has not provided any warranties or guarantees of any nature in respect of the results of the Services to be rendered by it hereunder or the satisfactory conclusion of the schedule 01 scope of work.  

Hub One shall endeavor in good faith to meet the Client’s target funding requirements as determined by Hub One together with the Client during the course of the Transaction or scope of work in schedule 01; however, such targets are not binding obligations on Hub One and the inability to meet such targets for what so ever reasons, shall not constitute a breach or default by Hub One of the herein Agreement. 


The client has understood well and the client agrees that client will not perceive or take Hub One as an immigration lawyer or as an immigrant advisor. The client further agrees that Hub One is not promising or advising or providing any warrantee or guarantee of the immigration benefits of United States of America or any other country to the client.


  1. Validity

This agreement is agreed by both of the parties upon the submission of the application and paying the full amount. This agreement will be effective soon after the client’s first payment as mentioned in the schedule 02. Hub One may terminate this engagement agreement or suspend it’s services for the schedule 01, with the immediate effect if client fails to pay second or third or fourth payment as mentioned in Schedule 02 and in case of this termination Hub One is not obliged to reimburse or payback any of the past amount paid by the clients and the client agrees to hold harmless Hub One for what so ever as per the clause 13 for the Indemnity.


  1. Entire Agreement

This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Hub One and the Client in respect of its subject matter and supersedes all previous representations, understandings, agreements and arrangements. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement will in any event be effective unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Hub One and the Client.


  1. Disputes


If at any time a dispute shall arise between Hub One and the Client on matters relating to the implementation of this Agreement the parties hereto shall endeavor in good faith to resolve any such dispute through amicable discussion but within a period of sixty (60) days commencing on the date either Hub One or the Client serve written notice one upon the other outlining the nature and substance of any such dispute.  Failing amicable resolution of any such dispute within the said sixty (60) day period then the dispute shall be finally settled by one or two International arbitrators exclusively, who shall be nominated and summoned under the procedures and rules of such regulation in force at such time.  All arbitration proceedings are to take place in United States of America (USA) in the English language except to the extent that compliance with USA formalities may so require.  The decision of such arbitration shall be notified to the parties hereto within six (6) months of the reference to arbitration being made and shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto (and enforceable against them) and the parties are exclusively obliged to agree the Arbitrators decisions. The arbitrators may award legal fees and expenses and the plaintiff will be obliged to pay the arbitrators fees fully without any claim of those expenses to the defendant.


  1. Governing Law

The Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).


  1. Schedule 01




This Engagement Letter pertains to the execution of Services by Hub One to the benefit of the Client for the Transaction, the scope includes the following:


  1. The Purpose of engagement and services to the clients will be;
    1. To review the documents of the clients for studying in United States of America for the Master’s Program and provide a point of view to the client for the feasibility.


Hub One shall endeavor in good faith to meet the Client’s requirements as determined by Hub One together with the Client during the course of the Transaction.


  1. Schedule 02


Compensation / Fees



The Client hereby undertakes to be obliged to pay the consulting fees, a total amount of USD 2,000 below Service fees to Hub One and these fees are excluding the client’s applications and documentation fees.


  • USD 500 Down payment upon the signing of this engagement letter.
  • USD 500 Offer Letter receipt.
  • USD 1000 Visa submission confirmation.
  • Other than the above three payments, client will be an additional 10% of total raised funds in case the client requests for the financial assistant funds raise.



Client shall endeavor in good faith to pay Hub One fees as per above schedule 02.


    23. Conclusion and Acceptance

    By signing of this agreement or agreeing electronically, both of the parties fully agree to all terms and clauses of this agreement.
    Yours sincerely,

    To: Hub One Services, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
    I hereby confirm that I am authorizing to engage you in connection with the proposed services outlined in this engagement agreement and hereby confirm your appointment in accordance with the foregoing terms.

    Agreement for Consultancy Services (the Agreement)


    This Agreement is entered into today’s date of the signature by and between Hub One Services, California, United States of America and the client (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties and individually as “Party”).


    1. Engagement

    The Client Confirms that the terms and conditions of this mutual agreement (“Agreement”) with Hub One Services (“Hub One”) to act as the exclusive Consultant providing the services to the client (hereafter referred the “Client” or “Applicant”) in connection with the services as below;


    1. The Services

    The Consultancy services to be provided by Hub One to the Client with respect to the Transaction are set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement (the “Services”).


    1. Compensation

    The compensation payable to Hub One for providing the Services to the Client is set out in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.


    1. Client Representation, Warranties and Undertaking

    The Client hereby covenants, represents and warrants that the signatory[1] has full-power and legal authority to represent and execute this agreement and that the Client will be legally bound by and will fully discharge its obligations under this Agreement.

    1. Communications

    All announcements and documents made or to be published by the Client or by Hub One on the Client’s behalf in relation to the Transaction will only be made or published after obtaining the Client’s written approval.  Except as may be required by law, no communication or advice rendered by Hub One (or any of its affiliates) in writing or otherwise in connection with the services performed by Hub One (or its affiliates) pursuant to this Agreement will be quoted or published, nor will any such communication or advice or the name of Hub One (or its affiliates) be referred to, in any report, document, press release or other communication without Hub One’s prior written authorization.


    1. Completion and Termination
      • Effective Date: The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of the signature of this agreement, Form, Document submission and first installment of fees payment by the client as per schedule 02.
      • Completion: Subject to the provisions of Clauses 6.3 – 6.8 below, the target completion date, shall be the date by which Hub One completes the Services as provided for under Schedule 1 hereof and the Client has paid to Hub One all applicable fees and expenses as provided for under Schedule 2 hereof (The “Target Completion Date”).
      • Mutual Termination:  The Agreement may be terminated prior to the Target Completion Date by written agreement of the Client and HUB ONE.  
      • Termination for Breach:
        • The Client shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without obtaining an order of the relevant authorities and with immediate effect by written notice to Hub One should Hub One commit a substantial and material breach of its Services or undertakings under this Agreement and fail to remedy the same within 30 days of the Client’s written notification thereof. 

    6.4.2 Hub One shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without obtaining an order of the relevant authorities and with immediate effect by written notice to the Client should the Client commit a substantial and material breach of its obligations or undertakings under this Agreement and fails to remedy the same within 30 days of Hub One’s written notification thereof.

    • Consequences of Mutual Termination, upon termination by the Parties in accordance with Clauses 6.3 or 6.4.1, the Client shall be obligated to pay any outstanding Fees and Hub One is not obliged to reimburse any amount after the receipt of them, for what so ever the reason the termination will be.


    1. Information

    The Client agrees to provide Hub One, no later than 10 days from the date of the request, any and all information and data, which Hub One may at its sole discretion reasonably request from the Client and which directly or indirectly relates to this engagement of work. Such information and relevant data will be delivered to Hub One at a place and in a form reasonably designated by Hub One and as quickly as is practically possible.

    In performing its Services hereunder, Hub One shall be entitled to rely upon and assume, without any responsibility for independently verifying, the accuracy and completeness of all information that has been furnished to Hub One by the Client. The Client will keep Hub One fully informed of all developments, discussions or other factors that may be relevant or material in connection with the Transaction or engagement of the service for schedule 1 and will not take any action that substantially or materially affects the Transaction without prior consultation with Hub One.

    Client agrees to Hub One to Store and share the client’s information including but not limited to the employers, Trainers, visa processing or any related parties including Funding, accommodation, Transportation and what so ever required during the course of work for the schedule 01 and Hub One is not obliged to take any prior written approval for that from the client.


    1. Confidentiality

    8.1   Hub One agrees that, except as required by law or regulatory inquiry, it will hold and treat in confidence all information that the Client provides to Hub One in connection with Hub One’s role hereunder other than (i) information which was already in Hub One’s possession prior to its receipt from the Client; (ii) information which is obtained by Hub One from a third party which, in so far as is known to Hub One, is not prohibited from transmitting the information to Hub One by a contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation to the Client; and/or (iii) information which is or becomes publicly available and is in the public domain.

    8.2  The Client agrees that Hub One may disclose confidential information (i) (without the Client’s prior written consent) to Hub One’s professional advisors and authorized representatives to the extent that such disclosure is necessary to perform the Services in relation to the Transaction and schedule 1 and schedule 2; (ii) to any person whom Hub One and/or the Client contracts with, in each case in relation to and to the extent necessary for the Transaction; (iii) where requested or required by any court of competent jurisdiction or any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body, or (iv) where required by the laws or regulations with jurisdiction over the affairs of Hub One provided that Hub One shall, in case of (i) and (ii) above obtain an undertaking of confidentiality from all such persons to the same extent that Hub One is bound hereunder or (v) where ever required to train it’s technology product (Research and development) in present and future.


    1. Conflict of Interests

    Hub one confirms that this engagement will not constitute or create any conflict of interest in any other transaction that it is currently engaged in or with any other assignment with any other Hub One clients. Client also confirms that the client will not engage or create any conflict of interest in any other transaction that it is currently engaged in. 


    1. Compliance with Laws

    Hub One and the Client will conduct their activities in connection with the Transaction in compliance with all applicable laws in the International Chamber of Commerce based on international law.


    1. Exclusivity

    It is expressly agreed between Hub One and the Client that Hub One will act as the exclusive Consultant to the Client in connection with the Transaction and scope of work as per schedule 01 throughout the term of this Agreement.  Hub One may appoint other advisors or managers to assist it with the scope of the work of schedule 01 at its discretion.  The Client will at all times keep Hub One fully informed of all strategies and developments relevant to the schedule 01 progress and Hub One for its part undertakes that it will at all times keep the Client fully informed of all strategies, developments and discussions relating to or arising from the Transaction or relevant to the schedule 01 progress.


    1. Force Majeure

    Hub One and the Client accept and acknowledge that in giving effect to their respective undertakings herein that time is of the essence save as in the occurrence of an event such as, civil riot, acts of God, acts of war, Pandemic or other such events which make the total or partial compliance by either or both Hub One and/or the Client with their respective obligations under the Agreement (“Force Majeure”) impossible or so impractical as may be reasonably considered impossible under the circumstances.  Should either Hub One or the Client declare to the other that an event of Force Majeure has occurred and both parties are in agreement with such declaration (agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) then the provision by Hub One of the Services will be suspended until the occurrence constituting Force Majeure either no longer exists or has diminished so as to reasonably permit Hub One to resume the Services, provided that, if such Force Majeure should persist for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days then this Agreement shall stand automatically terminated and Hub One will not be obliged to reimburse any amount to the client.


    1. Indemnity

    The Client agrees to hold harmless Hub One and its employees together with its affiliates, local and international associates from and against partial or all losses, all claims, all damages liabilities and all expenses (including all reasonable fees of counsel and expenses in connection with the preparation for or defense of any claim, action or proceeding) caused by or arising out of Hub One acting for the Client pursuant to this Agreement. Both of the parties further agree that Hub One is not a legal immigration advisor nor Hub One gives any guarantee to the client for success of the application or visa. In case of unsuccessful for what so ever reasons including the visa rejections by the authorities or any other what so ever reasons for the unsuccessful results, in fact all exclusive reasons of unsuccessful results for the clients, the Client agrees to hold harmless Hub One and its employees together with its affiliates, local and international associates from and against any partial and all losses including all claims, all damages, all liabilities and all expenses what so ever client had paid or will be liable to pay in future in case any liability or expenses will come up for what so ever reasons whether foreseen or unforeseen, whether it was unintentional or intentional, negligence’s or human errors or what so ever internal and external factors, from any of the Hub One Employees, Hub One’s associates or any other what so ever, the client here by agrees to hold Hub one harmless. Hub One gives no guarantee and no warrantee at all for the success of schedule 01 services or benefits to the client, given the nature of the process such as the visa decision making or other related decision making are beyond Hub One’s scope of the work and beyond Hub One’s authority of decision making. The client agrees to take the risk by investing or paying Hub One fees for the client’s own expected benefits (Return) such as long term career growth which may or may not be beneficial to the client and client’s family in future.


    1. Severability

    If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or any regulatory body or agency, such invalidity or un-enforceability shall attach only to such provision or condition.  The validity of the remaining provisions and conditions shall not be affected thereby and this Agreement shall be carried forward as if any such invalid or unenforceable provision or condition were not contained therein, subject only to considerations of fairness and reasonableness.


    1. Notices

    All notices consents and communications hereunder shall be provided in writing by email of the client filled in the Form and Hub One as mentioned on Hub One’s website or Form.


    1. 16. Warranties

    Hub One will provide the Services in accordance with the most possible ethical and professional standards applicable in the consulting industry as practiced in international standards. The Client acknowledges and accepts that Hub One has not provided any warranties or guarantees of any nature in respect of the results of the Services to be rendered by it hereunder or the satisfactory conclusion of the schedule 01 scope of work.  

    Hub One shall endeavor in good faith to meet the Client’s target funding requirements as determined by Hub One together with the Client during the course of the Transaction or scope of work in schedule 01; however, such targets are not binding obligations on Hub One and the inability to meet such targets for what so ever reasons, shall not constitute a breach or default by Hub One of the herein Agreement. 


    The client has understood well and the client agrees that client will not perceive or take Hub One as an immigration lawyer or as an immigrant advisor. The client further agrees that Hub One is not promising or advising or providing any warrantee or guarantee of the immigration benefits of United States of America or any other country to the client.


    1. Validity

    This agreement is agreed by both of the parties upon the submission of the application and paying the full amount. This agreement will be effective soon after the client’s first payment as mentioned in the schedule 02. Hub One may terminate this engagement agreement or suspend it’s services for the schedule 01, with the immediate effect if client fails to pay second or third or fourth payment as mentioned in Schedule 02 and in case of this termination Hub One is not obliged to reimburse or payback any of the past amount paid by the clients and the client agrees to hold harmless Hub One for what so ever as per the clause 13 for the Indemnity.


    1. Entire Agreement

    This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Hub One and the Client in respect of its subject matter and supersedes all previous representations, understandings, agreements and arrangements. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement will in any event be effective unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Hub One and the Client.


    1. Disputes


    If at any time a dispute shall arise between Hub One and the Client on matters relating to the implementation of this Agreement the parties hereto shall endeavor in good faith to resolve any such dispute through amicable discussion but within a period of sixty (60) days commencing on the date either Hub One or the Client serve written notice one upon the other outlining the nature and substance of any such dispute.  Failing amicable resolution of any such dispute within the said sixty (60) day period then the dispute shall be finally settled by one or two International arbitrators exclusively, who shall be nominated and summoned under the procedures and rules of such regulation in force at such time.  All arbitration proceedings are to take place in United States of America (USA) in the English language except to the extent that compliance with USA formalities may so require.  The decision of such arbitration shall be notified to the parties hereto within six (6) months of the reference to arbitration being made and shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto (and enforceable against them) and the parties are exclusively obliged to agree the Arbitrators decisions. The arbitrators may award legal fees and expenses and the plaintiff will be obliged to pay the arbitrators fees fully without any claim of those expenses to the defendant.


    1. Governing Law

    The Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).


    1. Schedule 01




    This Engagement Letter pertains to the execution of Services by Hub One to the benefit of the Client for the Transaction, the scope includes the following:


    1. The Purpose of engagement and services to the clients will be;
      1. To review the documents of the clients for studying in United States of America for the Master’s Program and provide a point of view to the client for the feasibility.


    Hub One shall endeavor in good faith to meet the Client’s requirements as determined by Hub One together with the Client during the course of the Transaction.


    1. Schedule 02


    Compensation / Fees



    The Client hereby undertakes to be obliged to pay the consulting fees, a total amount of USD 5,000 below Service fees to Hub One and these fees are excluding the client’s applications and documentation fees.


    • USD 2000 Down payment upon the signing of this engagement letter.
    • USD 1500 upon submission confirmation.
    • USD 1500 upon the receipt notice.
    • Other than the above three payments, client will be an additional 10% of total raised funds in case the client requests for the financial assistant funds raise for his living in united states of America or wants to invest to buy any Asset.


    Client shall endeavor in good faith to pay Hub One fees as per above schedule 02.

      23. Conclusion and Acceptance

      By signing of this agreement or agreeing electronically, both of the parties fully agree to all terms and clauses of this agreement.

      To:  Hub One Services, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

      I hereby confirm that I am authorizing to engage you in connection with the proposed services outlined in this engagement agreement and hereby confirm your appointment in accordance with the foregoing terms.

      Copyright © 2024 HubOne Solutions – All Rights Reserved.